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É um blogue que convida todos à aberta discussão de temas relevantes para o desenvolvimento pessoal e de maior consciência social. Encontre temas ligados ao ambiente, práticas ecológicas, soluções de sustentabilidade, espiritualidade, iniciativas sociais e muitas novas ideias! Comenta! Partilha!

quarta-feira, maio 09, 2007

Limpeza em casa, amiga do ambiente

Não digo que sejam as melhores, menos poluentes e mais saudáveis alternativas, mas decerto são bem mais saudáveis, simples e amigas do ambiente que os produtos de limpeza convencionais!

* Contribuámos para que a Terra seja protegida do uso de químicos nefastos para o ambiente e para a nossa saúde * A responsabilidade é nossa *

Household Product substitution:
To make Furniture polish: 1 tablespoon lemon oil + 1 pint mineral oil
To make Window/glass cleaner: ½ cup vinegar + 1 gallon of warm water
To make Extra-strength, all-purpose cleaner: ¼ cup baking soda + ½ cup white vinegar + ¾ cup ammonia + 1 gallon of warm water
To remove Coffee or Tea stains on your pot or mug: White Vinegar
To make Scouring powder: Baking soda
To make Drain cleaner: Plunger followed by ½ cup baking soda + ½ cup vinegar +2 quarts boiling water
To make Floor cleaner: 1 cup vinegar + 2 gallons of water
To make Grease remover:Borax on damp cloth
To make Toilet bowl cleaner: Paste of borax + lemon juice
To make Tub/tile cleaner: 1/4 cup baking soda + ½ cup white vinegar + warm water
To make Rug/carpet cleaner: Club soda
To make Window cleaner: ½ cup vinegar + 1 gallon of warm water
To make Upholstery spot remover: Club Soda
To make Oven cleaner: 2 Tbsp liquid soap + 2 teaspoons borax + warm water
To make Jewellry cleaner, removes tarnish and corrosion: 2 Tbsp laundry softener + 2 teaspoons salt + 1/2 hot water, mix in an aluminium tray and soak your jewellry in it for 5 mins
To make Mildew remover: Equal parts of vinegar and salt
To remove odour from shoes: Put 1 tsp of baking soda in each shoe, shake so that it coats the inside evenly and leave over night.

To make Laundry Detergent: Basic soap
To make Laundry pre-soak: Paste of baking soda + water - apply to stains and spots
To make Oil stain remover: Rub white chalk into stain before washing
To make Ink spot remover: 1 Tbsp cream of tartar + 1 Tbsp lemon juice
To make Ballpoint ink remover: Hair spray
To make Bleach: Borax + water

To make Ant repellent: Red chili powder at entry or mix some jam with borax powder and place it on the ant trial, this
To make Fertilizer: Compost
To remove aphids on plants: Soapy water on leaves, then rinse
To make Slug/snail repellent: Plant Onion & marigold plants in your garden

Pet Care:
Flea Repellant: Feed pet brewer's yeast, vitamin B or garlic
Canker Treatment: Dust the dogs ear with borax powder
To make Pet odor remover: Cider vinegar

To make a Paint brush softener: Hot vinegar
To make Rusty bolt/nut removal: Carbonated beverage
To combat Car battery corrosion: Baking soda + water

De momento, ainda estou a pesquisar as melhores alternativas para higiene dos dentes e para a limpeza da casa e louça, que sejam mais naturais que os próprios produtos naturais. E também nas alternativas de sabão natural à base de cinzas e à base da planta saponária.
Se querem rir-se um bocado e até ficar surpreendidos leiam a história das pastas dos dentes em http://www.toothpasteworld.com/history.htm

Uma outra lista também muito interessante, em português:
Em letssaveourworld.blogspot.com

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